Clarke Road School (CRS) is part of a cluster of regional and metropolitan schools whose main vision is
“To empower and extend our complex learners through the collective power of educators, parents, families and community members. To innovate learning and teaching. To shape educational policy and practice.”
In 2018, as part of this cluster, Clarke Road School was successful in gaining the Fair Education Program application which is supported by Schools Plus and the Vincent Fairfax Family Foundation.
One aspect is to develop an educator ‘toolbox’ around key frameworks. Another key aspect of this project is to develop strong partners in learning with parents and family members. As a community, we aspire to deeply and meaningfully understand our children and young people, so that we can better target each child’s /young person’s learning together. At CRS, in addition to attending special events at our school, we invite all parents and families to attend our “Lets chat and learn” sessions. This allows us to grow our thinking together around our key school frameworks and to support learning both at school and home.