Clarke Road School

Opening New Worlds

Telephone02 9487 2652


During 2012 and 2013, Clarke Road School in partnership with Autism Central Pty. Ltd. have been involved in an action research project focusing on how to assist students to be in an optimum state - In the Zone for Learning, so that relevant and rigorous teaching and learning is taking place within classrooms.

The In the Zone website and its' resources have been developed by a team of teachers and allied health professionals in conjunction with parents, web developers, graphic designers and software developers. This website is a result of this extensive collaboration.

It was developed as a result of the Every Student, Every School (New South Wales, Australia) initiative aimed at providing better learning and support for students with a disability, learning difficulties or behaviour support needs. Every Student, Every School is supported by the Australian Commonwealth Government’s More Support for Students with Disabilities National Partnership 2012-2013.

This website includes:

  • Video training modules
  • A profiling tool and strategy booklets
  • Some useful resources and websites.

The information contained in this site is only a GUIDE for educators. It is recommended that parents and allied health professionals are consulted for formal assessment and interventions for individual students.


This In the Zone Project has been funded by the Australian Commonwealth Government’s More Support for Students with Disabilities National Partnership 2012-2013. This website and its resources have been developed by a team of teachers and allied health professionals in conjunction with parents, web developers, graphic designers and software developers. This is to acknowledge and thank the many people who contributed to this project.

Clarke Road School
Rebecca Saunders (Principal)
Diane Robertson
Kavi Razzaghi-Pour
Carol Cleasby
Debbie Howell
Cathy Treay
Amy Owen
Alison Hall

Academic Partners
Autism Central Pty. Ltd.
Natasha Sansoni
Ylana Bloom

Simone Thomas
Beth Fitz-Henry

Software Developers
Roshan Singh
Vikrant Todankar

Graphic Design
Jess Forrester